sobota, 13. maj 2017

Malta 21 dan


Včeraj smo jaz, prof. Guštin in Klemen obiskali Popajevo vas. Iz Vallette smo se odpravili ob 9:30 in prispeli do vasi ob 12:30, saj so bile po celi Malti zastoji ter voznik avtobusa ni znal točno povedati v katero smer moramo do vasi, tako, da smo se še malo lovili. V vasi smo si ogledali vasico ter njihove trgovinice s srebrnim nakitom in spominki, nato pa smo si privoščili kosilo.
Po obilnem kosilu smo se z avtobusom odpeljali do Cirkewwe, kjer smo se vkrcali na trajekt in se odpeljali na Gozo. Tam smo se s saldoledom sprehodili po glavnem mestu Victoria in kupili splominke, ker pa smo morali še spakirati smo se že ob 18h odpeljali s trajektom nazaj na Malto.
Ob pol 9h sem prišla v stanovanje in si najprej naredila večerjo nato pa sem začela pakirati. Takoj, ko sem imela vse pripravljeno sem šla v posteljo saj sem morala že ob pol 4h vstati in se odpeljati na letališče.
Od te izmenjave mi bodo najbolj v spominu vstali ljudje, ki so zelo verni in zelo prijazni kadarkoli kaj rabiš vedno priskočijo na pomoč. Potem pa so tu še te njihovi avtobusi, ki vedno zamujajo vendar se ne moreš jeziti na njih saj so vozniki vedno prijazni in počakajo, da se v miru odpravis z avtobusa. Pa še nekaj o njihovi hrani. Karkoli sem probala me je navdušilo ter porcijo so kjerkoli sem jedla ogromne. Postrežba je malo počasna vednar so zelo prijazni ter vstrežljivi. Tudi praksa čeprav naporna je bila zelo prijetna izkušnja, hvaležna sem najinemu mentorju gospodu Johnu Grech, da naju je zaposlil ter naju navčil kar nekaj novih trikov v vezi s fotorgrafiranjem.
Če povzamem vse skupaj je bila to zelo lepa iskušnja in sem vesela, da sem imela priložnost to izkusiti.
Ker ta blog pišem na letališču na žalost ne moram dodati nobene slike.

Lep pozdrav

Lara in Klemen

četrtek, 11. maj 2017

Malta 19 dan


Danes sva s Klemnom ponovno delala od 9:00 do 13:00, nato pa sva si privoščila kosilo. Po kosilu sva odšla na zaključni sestanek na Paragon, kjer sva izpolnila par obrazcev ter dobila potrdila o opravljeni praksi. Tam so nama tudi povedali da morava biti jutri v stanovanju od 10:00 pa do 14:00, ker bova imela pregled sobe, tako da nama je odpadel zadnji dan prakse. Zato sva odšla se do
g. Grech, da sva mu vrnila diske ter se poslovila od njega. Zmenili smo se, da bomo ostali v stiku ter, da naju obišče, ko pride v Slovenijo. Sedaj pa moram iskat nekaj za jest saj nam je v stanovanju zmanjkalo plina in si ne moramo kuhati.

Lep pozdrav

Lara in Klemen

sreda, 10. maj 2017

Malta 18.dan

Dober večer.

Zopet navaden delaven dan od 9h pa do 16h. Po delu sva se z Laro odpravila do Lidla po hrano in ker je Lara morala počakati svoj fotoaparat, ki ga je imelu pri serviserju, kateri je nedaleč od trgovine Lidl sva se odločila da greva na pijačo k bližnjemu lokalu. Naročila sva si leden, sladek in odličen milkshake, ki se nama je zdel drag ampak je bilo vredno vsakega centa. Jaz sem se odpravil domov saj je serviser odprl ob 18h jaz pa sem imel 17.58 avtobus do Attarda. Ko sem prispel domov sem dobil SMS od Lare da mora še eno uro čakati za fotoaparat kar pomeni da je morala sama čakati skoraj uro in pol. Na koncu se je vrnila domov šele ob 20.30. Čez 4 dni potujeva nazaj v Slovenijo. Kakšni so občutki? Hah... Po eni strani se zelooo veseliva saj obadva že zelo pogrešava družino in prijatelje, po eni strani pa nimava želje iti domov saj veva kaj naju čaka - pridobivanje ocen! Poskusila bova uživati kar se da zadnjih par dni, pa še v petek po naju prispe profesorica Guštin kar pomeni da bo še bolj zabavno - več kot nas je lepše je. Zdaj pa se odpravljam spat saj sem precej "zdelan" od sedenja pred računalnikom.

Nasvidenje, Klemen in Lara.
Milkshake ki naju je malo ohladil in osvežil

torek, 9. maj 2017

Malta 17 dan

Danes sva s Klemnom pričela delo ob 9:00 in končala ob 12:00, nato pa sva se odpravila v Mosto probati špagete carbonara, ker so jih vsi zelo hvalili. Moram priznati, da naju niso razočarali. Po obilnem kosilu sva se odpravila v Valletto, ker je moral Klemen kupiti razglednice in tako nerodna kot sem mi je v eni izmed trgovinic uspelo prevrniti skoraj celo polico pijače. Na srečo ni nastalo veliko škode, tisto kar pa je pa sem jo poplačala. Po tem nerodnem dogodku sva se s Klemnom odločila, da imava za danes dosti zabave in sva se odpravila v stanovanje.

Lep pozdrav

Lara in Klemen

                                                        Najino kosilo, porcija je bila tako                                                                                                     velika, da bi bilo dovolj če bi vzela skupaj eno.

Malta 16.dan

Dobro jutro!

Z Laro sva tako kot vsak dan prišla na delo ob 9h zjutraj in končala ob 15h. Po končanem delu sva se odpravila do Lidla kjer sva nakupila hrano za čez teden. Odšla sva domov in se zmenila ob 6h v Valletti. Šla sva nekaj pojest in narediti načrt kaj bova obiskala v naslednjih dneh. Več izveste v blogu zvečer.

Lep pozdrav Klemen in Lara

ponedeljek, 8. maj 2017

Malta 15 dan


Včeraj nisem napisala bloga sam sem šla že zgodaj spat sam sem se cel dan zelo slabo počutila.
Vstala sem ob 12.30 si pripravila kosila, nato pa šla na dolg sprehod po Paoli. Ko sem prišla nazaj v stanovanje pa mi je postalo slabo in začela me je boleti glava, opazila pa sem tudi da so se mi po rokah začele delati lise. Vzela sem klaritin in ker se je vse skupaj malo umirilo sem sla samo se v posteljo.
Klemen pa je čez dan malo raziskoval Attard.

Lep pozdrav 

Lara in Klemen

sobota, 6. maj 2017

Malta 14 dan


Danes naju gospod John prišel iskat ob 5 uri zjutraj ter naju peljal v St. Peter's Pool kjer smo čakali na sončni vzhod nato pa še eno uro slikali. Kasneje pa smo se odpravili še v Marsaxlokk fotografirati njihove znane ladjice, ob 8h pa smo se vsedli v avto ter odpeljali na zajtrk v Pieto, kjer sva s Klemnom probala American style pancakes (palačinke s javorjevim sirupom in slanino). Po obilnem zajtrku smo šli še po lečo za moj fotoaparat, ki je bila na popravilu, nato pa naju je gospod John odložil v Valletti kjer sva šla na avtobus in domov.
Zelo sem bila presenečena kako hitro je postalo vroče, ko je sonce začelo vzhajati in takrat nam je vsem trem postalo žal, da nismo s seboj vzeli kopalk da bi se šli malo ohladiti.
Opravičujem se, da nisem spodaj dodala nobenih fotografij, nisem uporabljala svojega fotoaparata in zato trenutno pri sebi nimam nobene fotografije.

Lep pozdrav

Lara in Klemen

petek, 5. maj 2017

Malta 12. dan


Z Laro sva včeraj ob 9h začela z delom in končala malo po 12. uri, odšla domov nekaj pojest za kako urico počivat in zopet sva prišla v studio saj sva fotografirala plesalke med vajami. Fotografiranje se je dogajalo od 18h pa do 20.30 zato sva morala malo pohiteti na avtobuse saj zadnji avtobus je 20.40. Oba sva se odpravila spat. Dodal pa bom vlog še za današnji dan. Z Laro morava biti v studiji od 9h do 17h nato pa odideva domov in greva spat saj naju mentor John pride vsakega posebaj iskat ob 4h zjutraj ker gremo v Marsaxlokk ( fishing village ) fotografirat sončni vzhod, nato pa se odpeljemo do st. Peter's pool-a kjer bomo fotografirali kako valovi zalivajo tamkajšno skalovje in soline.

Lep pozdrav.

Utrinek iz včerajšnega fotografiranja baletk

četrtek, 4. maj 2017

Malta 11 dan


Najprej se opravičujem za zamudo z blogom, včeraj sm bila preutrujena, da bi kar koli pisala.
S Klemnom sva bila 8 ur v studiu in urejala fotografije tako da sta naju na koncu že zelo boleli glavi od gledanja ekrana. Nikoli nebi vrjela, da je sedenje za računalnikom lahko tako naporno, če nebi tega izkusila sama.
Ob 17h po končani praksi se nama ni dalo niti v trgovino po hrano tako, da sva odšla vsak v svoje stanovanje, nekaj malega pojedla in odšla spat.
Ker tole pišem v studiu in se mi mudi nazaj na delo se sedaj poslavljam.

Lep pozdrav

Lara in Klemen

sreda, 3. maj 2017

Malta 10.dan

Dobro jutro!

Včeraj sva z Laro začela z delom v studiju 30. minut prej in tudi 30. minut prej končala, saj sva se zmenila, da greva z ladjico v plavo laguno (Blue lagoon) na otok Comino. Ujela sva ladjico ob 14. uri in 20. minut kasneje sva že bila v delčku nebes. Kristalno čista voda, v zraku 29. stopinj in malo vetra da sonce ni preveč "žgalo". S seboj sva imela kopalke in ker je bila plaža nabito polna sva domnevala, da je voda primerna za kopanje. Ker sem moški, sem seveda moral prebiti led in skočiti v vodo prvi, Lara pa se ni prav preveč veselila vode vendar je tudi ona prebila led in skočila v vodo. Jaz sem se malo potapljal in užival v prelepih barvah pod vodo, Lara pa je po nekaj časa v vodi odšla na plažo kjer se je zavila v brisačo in uživala na soncu. Kmalu sem se tudi jaz naveličal, tako da sem se posušil, preoblekel in odšla sva do stojnice po sadno solato, saj je to stvar ki nama je najbolj pasala.
Počakala sva ladjico za nazaj ob plaži in za nazaj smo z ladjico odšli še na ogled jam pod morjem. Otok je bil obema zelo všeč zato sva se odločila, da če bova imela proti koncu prakse prost dan, se odpraviva še enkrat v plavo laguno. Oba zmatrana sva se vrnila domov. Prva stvar ki sem jo naredil sem šel pod tuš. Na sebi sem imel toliko mivke, da bi lahko zgradil peščeni grad. Oba zmatrana sva se odpravila spat že ob 21h.

Lep pozdrav, Klemen in Lara.
Pogled na plavo laguno iz malo višje točke

Pogled iz najine perspektive

ponedeljek, 1. maj 2017

Malta 9 dan


Danes sva s Klemnom začela drugi dan prakse. V studiu sva morala biti ob 11h vendar pa so nama potekle avtobusne karte, zato sva se dobila že 20 do 10h v Vallrtti, kjer sva kupila nove. Ker nama je vstalo se nekaj časa sva šla kupiti nekaj spominkov.
V studiu sva bila do 16h nato panaju je gospod Grech spusti domov, ker sva bila že precej zmatrana ter, da sva si šla lahko še nekaj kupit za jest.
Danes pa je tudi zelo poseben dan za Klemna saj si je prvič v živlenju sam naredil makarone, jeeej.
No, sedaj se odpravljam spat, ker moram biti jutri zgodaj v studiu.

Lahko noč

Lara in Klemen
                                                  Večerja, katero si jeKlemen pripravil sam :)

nedelja, 30. april 2017

Malta 8.dan

Lep pozdrav.

Z Laro sva dojela, da so nedelje na Malti zelo sproščene, mogoče malo preveč saj je to za domačine nekakšen "praznik", saj je skorajda vse zaprto. Zato sva se odločila malo poležavati po kosilu pa sva se dobila v Valletti kjer sva našla odprt McDonalds in tam prebila približno 1. uro saj sva čakala da je sonce zašlo. V Valletti naj bi bil namreč ognjemet zato sva se odločila da bi ga fotografirala. Začel se je ob 22h vendar midva sva odločila da bova posnela še kakšno fotografijo mesta. Ko pa se je začel ognjemet je bil trenutek veličasten. Na večih mestih so ga prižgali zato slabih fotografij ni mankalo. Večer je bil res zanimiv in z veseljem bi ga obadva ponovila kadarkoli. Po ognjemetu sva odšla domov, vsak na svoj avtobus. Nekje na polovici poti me je klicala Lara in prestrašena povedala da je bil njen del mesta zaprt, zato se je z avtobusom odpeljala na skoraj drugo stran Malte. To nebi bil problem, če nebi bila ona na zadnjem avtobusu. Odločila se je da bo štopala in ustavila ji je prijazna gospa, ki jo je odpeljala do njenega apartmaja. Hvala bogu se je vse srečno končalo. Zdaj pa se odpravljava spat, ker morava biti jutri ob 9h v studiju, čeprav je na Malti 1. maj dela prost dan.

Lahko noč, Klemen in Lara
Trg v Valletti

Ognjemet nad Valletto

sobota, 29. april 2017

Malta 7 dan


Danes smo se odpravili na otok Gozo. Ob 11.15 smo se vkrcali na trajekt in se pol ure vozili do otoka. Dan je bil zelo vetroven in oblačen, ko smo izstopili s trajekta smo se najprej sprehodili do bljižne cerkve, nato pa smo se vsedli na avtobus in se zapeljali okoli otoka. Prav posebej smo si ogledali njihov mlin na veter ter katedralo v mestu Victoria. Tam smo si tudi privoščili kosilo in sladoled. Najbol veseli smo bili sončka, ki je pokukal izza oblakov okoli 2h in nas lepo pogrel. Okoli 4h smo se odpravili nazaj na trajekt. Ko smo se vrnili na Malto smo morali čakati na avtobus saj je bila gneča, nato pa smo se peljali skozi cel otok. Vožnja je trajala dve uri namesto enne, saj so bili povsod manjši zastoji.
Na kocu dneva sva se s Klemnom poslovila od profesorice Golob, saj jutri zjutraj leti nazaj domov.

Lep pozdrav,

Lara in Klemen

cerkev nad pristaniščem

mlin na veter

skupni zadnji selfi

Malta 6.dan

Dober večer.

Z Laro se vam iskreno opravičujeva zaradi včerajšnega bloga, saj sva se obadva izogibala vsem elektronskim napravam v radiju 5m. Stvar se vam bo mogoče zdela nedolžna vendar ni. Najin petek se je pričel ob 9. uri kot prvi delovni dan v fotografskem studiju Johna Grecha. Lara ima do studija prbl. 30. minut vožnje, jaz pa 45. minut. Jaz, Klemen, sem v studio prispel 15min pred začetkom, Lara pa je zaradi gostega prometa zamudila 10. minut, vendar je najin mentor razumel. Pogovorili smo se o delu in povedal nama je da ima v tem obdobju veliko projektov zato nama je dal vsakemu posebaj trdi disk s fotografijami, ki je fotografiral otroke in učence v vrtcu in osnovni šoli za spominsko knjigo. Vsak je imel na trdem disku okoli 5000 fotografij saj jih je razdelil na polovico. Nato se je začelo. Od pol 10h zjutraj pa do 13h sva samo prebirala fotografije katere so naprej primerne za obdelavo in katere ne. Ko se je po napornih dveh urah in pol končalo pregledovanje nama je John naročil obrok iz bližnje hitre hrane in ko sva pojedla sva se spravila obdelovati fotografije v programu Photoshop in Lightroom. Urejala sva vse do 17h vendar enostavno nisva mogla več. Bolela naju je oba glava, oči so naju pekle itd. zato naju je spustil domov in rekel da sva vse do pondelka prosta, vendar je še rekel da lahko urejamo fotografije od doma med vikendom če bova imela čas. Poslovili smo se in z Laro sva odšla vsak na svoj avtobus. Upam da zdaj razumete zakaj sva se izogibala vsem elektronskim napravm v radiju 5m. Ko sva prispela domov sem uprašal kdo bo napisal blog, naslednja stvar ki se jo obadva spomniva je jutranje sonce. Prvi delovni dan je bil odličen in že v začetku sva se naučila veliko stvari, upava da bo tako vsak dan.

Lep pozdrav, Klemen in Lara.
Studijo in pa najina delovna miza.

petek, 28. april 2017

Malta 5 dan


Danes smo se Klemen, profesorica in jaz po kosilu dobili v Valletti. Tam smo se odpravili do obale kjer smo se vkrcali na ladjico in odpelali čez zaliv. Iztopili smo v mestecu Birgu, kjer smo obhodili mesto, si ogledali trdnjavo ter probali eno od njihovih tradicionalnih sladico z datlji, katere imena si nismo zapomnili niti ga ne znamo izovoriti. nato smo imeli še kratek spehod po marini do avtobusne postaje.
Ko smo prišli nazaj v Valletto se je profesorica poslovila midva s Klemnom pa sva se še odpravila po nakupih nato pa sva se tudi midva razšla.
Po dolgem dnevu komaj čakam posteljo, da se lahko spočijem za prvi dan prakse.


Lara in Klemen

sreda, 26. april 2017

Malta 4 dan

Dober večer!

Danes sva se z Laro skupaj odpravila na razgovor za prakso, kjer naju je fotograf John Grech tudi vzel k sebi na prakso. Po razgovoru sva se odločila, da bova še do konca raziskala ulice Vallette vendar še prej pa sva odšla v kraj Mosta kateri je znan po zelo veliki cerkvi ki je znana pod imenom "Rotunda od Mosta", in odšla v restavracijo KFC saj sva si ga obadva želela probati. V Valletti sva si obadva zaželela nekaj sladkega in kar 1 uro iskala slaščičarno. Ko pa sva prejela svojo "dozo" sladkarij pa sva se odpravila raziskovati ulice. Nekajkrat sva se izgubila saj so si vse ulice zelo podobne in način gradnje je vsepovsod enak, vendar na srečo so prebivalci Malte zelo prijazni in nam pokazali pravo pot. Maltežani so zelo spoštljivi do sebe in ostalih zato takih stvari kot so sebičnost ni, kar se da tudi opaziti na avtobusih, v trgovinah, kavarnah, itd. Po napornem dnevu sva odšla vsak k sebi domov se malo osvežila in odšla še v trgovino po hrano za naslednji dan. Vreme na Malti pa je super! Malo vetrovno ampak se bo dalo navaditi.

Lep pozdrav, Klemen in Lara

torek, 25. april 2017

Malta 3 dan


Danes sva imela s Klemnom ponovno prosti dan. Skoraj cel dan sva poležavala v postelji in gledala filme, zvečer pa sva se odpravila v Valletto, kje sva malo poslikala večerno in nevihtno nebo.

Lep pozdrav

Lara in Klemen

                                                                        obala Vallette

                                                                 predstava: experience Malta


ponedeljek, 24. april 2017

Malta 2.dan


Danes smo imeli ob 9. uri zjutraj sestanek v Paragon Europa za nadaljna navodila. Z Laro nisva prejela nobene informacije, kar pomeni da imava še en dan frej :P Po sestanku smo odšli raziskovat obzidje Rabata, center Vallette in obalo. Po dolgem dnevu sprehajanja smo se odločili da bi nekaj pojedli za sladico pa smo odšli na sladoled in se nato s profesorico Leo Golob razšli, z Laro pa sva odšla še v Lidl po hrano za naslednji dan. Prvi dan se nam je zgodilo veliko zanimivih stvari in upamo da bo tako vsak dan.

Lep pozdrav Klemen in Lara

nedelja, 23. april 2017

Malta 1 dan


Midva sva se odločila, da vam danes piševa skupaj.
Zjutraj smo se dobili s profesorico Golob na glavni železniški postaji v Ljubljani ob 2:30 zjutraj kjer nas je pobral kombi in odpeljal na letališče. Vožnja je trajala tri ure, nato pa smo na letališču čakali še približno eno uro da smo oddali prtljago in nato se uro in pol za vkrcanje na letalo. Polet je trajal približno uro in štiridest minut. Ko smo prispeli nas je na letališču pričakal gospod iz Paragon Evropa in nas odpeljal vsakega v svoje stanovanje, ki se nahaja en v Paoli in en v Attardu.
Noben od naju se ni čez noč čisto nič naspal zato ze cel dan samo lenariva in spiva, ker se morava spočiti za jutrišnji sestanek in raziskovanje otoka.

                   pogled z letala

Lep pozdrav,

Lara in Klemen

sobota, 22. april 2017

Erasmus+ Malta

Sem Klemen Petrič, dijak na SMGŠ, obiskujem pa 3. letnik grafičnega tehnika. Zelo sem vesel ker so me izbrali za izmenjavo saj sem si vedno želel potovati po svetu in Malta je odličen začetek. Odhod iz Ljubljane do letališča Treviso je že ob 2.40 zjutraj. Na Malto se odpravljam kot tiskar vendar sem strasten fotograf, tako da mi dolgčas nebo:)

Pozdravljeni vsi.

Moje ime je Lara Mihajlov sem dijakinja Srednje Medijske in Grafične šole Ljubljana. Odpravljam se na tri tedensko izmenjavo na mediteranski otok Malta, kjer bom delala v enem izmed njihovih podjetij. O tem majhnem otoku sem slišala veliko lepih in zanimivih stvari. Veselim se dela, ki ga bom tam opravljala ter spoznavanja njihove kulture ter ljudi. O Malti sem malo raziskovala na internetu in glede na to, da sem navdušena fotografinja se neskončno veselim vseh njenih prečudovitih skritih in neskrith kotičkov, ki jih bom raziskala v svojem prostem času in bodo odlična priložnost za nove fotografije.

Glede na to, da imam odhod iz Ljubljane na letališče Treviso v Italiji že ob 2:40 zjutraj in moram še vse spakirati, ter se spočiti, se bom za sedaj poslovila.

sobota, 18. februar 2017

ERASMUS+ France, Clermont Ferrand DAY 21

So, this is kind of sad. Today is our last day in France and I must say I will definetly miss it. Even more than France I will miss my new friends, I've definetly made a lot of new powerful friendships. I will also miss Nadia scratch that I already miss her. She is our second mother and we love her so much. Today was really a sad day for me, we were free for most of the day, we just had to return our lunch cards for Lafayette and that was it. We went shoping one last time in Jaude which was very fun. Other than that we didn't do much, we cleaned the house and in the evening we surpirsed Nadia with some flowers and she was very happy. We had a nice chat late into the night. I will definetly remember this evening. I hope Nadia will come to Slovenia so we can show her our country and be her mentor in a way. I definitely want to see these guys again, Robin and two of his friends are coming to Slovenia in August and to be honest I can't wait. Besides all of that it really was a life changing experience, I've learnt a lot of new things and not just in our field of study but about life in general and I will cherish this knowledge for ever. Well this is it for us, we are done no more blogs for us. I would like to thank everybody that helped make this exchange possible from the bottom of my heart.
Oh and Nadia if you are readying this, THANK YOU again really, because of you this experience was 100 times better. Also I hope that the house was clean enough.



petek, 17. februar 2017

ERASMUS+ France, Clermont Ferrand DAY 20

Today was a very interesting day. We once again went to Lafayette where we attented graphic design class, We were given an assigment to make a poster for an opening of a restaurant. We could only use cyan and brown, aslo we had to fit 200~ words in the poster. At first the assigment seemed easy, but we were very soon proven otherwise. We worked in pairs and had one hour to get the assigment done. I must admit that we had some problems communicating with the students, BUT we still finished the assigment successfully and the finished pieces looked almost 100% professional.
After graphic design class we had lunch, played some pool and got ready for our next class. We were told it's going to be drawing class, but it turned out that it was actually a class that revolved around photoshop. We were told to combine animals and landscapes in a cool looking manner that would grab the audiences attention. I must proudly say that we succeeded(picture below). It turned out the professor who had us, was a very successful illustrator, his drawings were absolutely gorgeus and almost life like(at first I thought he was showing us his photos, nope they were drawings).
After class I visited the cathedral and climbed to the top tower in Robin in Zack, it was absolutely gorgeous, you can see the whole Clermont-Ferrand and all the way to Lyon. Beautiful.
Aur revoir, Samo.

ERASMUS+ France, Clermont Ferrand DAY 19

Today we went to the national television station of Clermont-Ferrand where we met madam Natalie. She is one of two main reporters on the TV station, She and her colleague Patrick, that is one of the cameraman on the station. Natalia and Patrick have worked with one of  the most important people in the world, including Nelson Mandela. They were the main reporters on his election day.
When we first met Natalie and Patrick we were given their camera and asked to make some shots (the camera was worth 40,000€!). We filmed some test interviews and then reviewed the footage together with Natalie and Patrick. They told us some camera tricks, that go unnoticed but are crucial when filming. Patrick and Natalie asked us if we'd like to help set up a scene for an interview/photo shoot for a cosplayer that was on his way to the station. We happily obliged.
Just as we finished setting up the scene the cosplayer arrived. He was (and still is!) being followed on his journey to Switzerland, where he will be attending an internationall cosplay event.
After the shoot we got to play with a proffesional photo camera of one of the photographers (just the body of the camera costs 5,000€!). And I must say that the second you see the photo you took, you know where all that money went when you bought the camera. Absolutely amazing.
With that our time at the station has run out, so we headed home, where we got ready for a dinner with madam Nadia, Robin and Zack.
Madam Nadia took us to a very fancy restaurant in the middle of the city, where we ate Tartiflette. We were very surprised by the taste of it, because it tastes exactly like musaka! After the main dish, we ordered some(delicious) desserts, a beautiful way to finish our day. We headed home and collapsed into a food coma.
Aur revoir, Samo!

sreda, 15. februar 2017

ERASMUS+ France, Clermont Ferrand DAY 18

Today was not really the usual day. Me and Miha were grouped with a journalist Natalie and her cameraman Patrick, while Dragan and Samo went somewhere with a class. We had to do a report on two teens who want to become the best sheperds and are training for a big competition in paris. We had to drive 55km to a school for farmers in a Slovenian looking village. There are 600 students in the school, but the school area is huge as they have their own barns and fields and such.
First off we had to shoot some scenes in the classroom, but then we went to the barn where the sheep were. So right as we came to the barn there was a sheep giving birth and two students had to get the baby out. It was a long and bloody process and I still can't get the image out of my mind. So while that was happening, me and Miha found a really cute lamb, which we hanged out with until something happened. I'd witnessed the full cycle of life. The beauty of birth and the iciness of death. It happened like this. We were petting the lamb when suddenly a teacher ran next to us and in his hand, he was holding a newborn lamb by the legs. The whole thing happened in about 2 seconds, the first second went by with me thinking "oooh how cute, now they just have to clean it off and it's set to live life like the lamb it is" and the second second went by with me realising it was dead and the teacher giving CPR to it. Great way to start the day i tell you. After that little mixup the competing students had to successfully complete some exercises with the sheep and we took some pictures.
We had lunch with the teachers and what seemed interesting to me is that they had a lot of different types of cheese and they present it as dessert. Natalie and Patrick then showed us their tv station and how they edit their videos and it was really cool to see. Patrick let me edit some footage we filmed today and it was really fun. Tomorrow we're all going with Natalie and Patrick to interview a cosplayer, and I'm really excited about that.
Right now I need to clean my shoes from all the dirt and what-not from the barn and also we need to clean the house because tomorrow our principal and a teacher are coming and the house in its current condition doesen't even look like anything letalone a house.
Bor signing out.

Sheep witing for food

Natalie interviewing a student
Sheep barn
Patrick and his 60.000€ cameraa
Bor petting Francis II

torek, 14. februar 2017

ERASMUS+ France, Clermont Ferrand DAY 17

Today we went filming at 8:00 with our friends from Blaise Pascal. It was really hard for us because their equipment is obsolete copared to ours. We had lots of problems with the filming of our projects because of this. In fact Bor and Miha didn't film theirs while me and Samo somehow managed to film it. We had to film portraits of each other. We had to portray the french as we saw them and they had to portray us. Funny thing is that we learnd that they are way more creative than us.  But maybe it was because we are not used to waking up so early. I also learned that burning a burger with fire is not a good idea if you are holding it in your hand. Samo made our friend Elie walk into water for our portrait which was fun, he didnt mind though. Either way we had fun conquering the challenge that was the camera equipment and we were proud of the project that we filmed. We spent the rest of the day reminiscing upon the two weeks that we just spent in France and thinking about our last week here. 
Au revoir, Dragan.

ponedeljek, 13. februar 2017

ERASMUS+ France, Clermont Ferrand DAY 16

Hi, so we spent this sunday like we usually do, we spent most of the day inside editing our photos and preaparing for school. We didn't do anything special as we were very tired from the whole week, so we just took some time to catch up with our families which we do with the help of Skype. I think that slowly the homesickness will start to kick in in some of the guys. Infront of us is our last week in Clermont Ferrand, a lot of things are planned for this week. Me and Bor are going to the local news station in Clermont Ferrand where we will help preapare a report. Dragan and Samo are going to a photography exhibition where they will spent the whole day learning about photography. I'm very happy about this last two weeks, I feel like I've learnt a lot and made a lot of new friends. In a way I look forward to going home, but I will definetly miss Clermont Ferrand and the people. I look forward to tomorrow as I will learn a lot of things about television.
Au revoir, Miha.

Some of the photos we have edited

Viewpoimt on Puy de Dome

Bor admiring the view

1.465 m high

nedelja, 12. februar 2017

ERASMUS+ France, Clermont Ferrand DAY 15

Today was the last day of the Clermont-Ferrand film festival. Parties are being thrown, people are celebrating the success that the festival was. For me personally the festival was an eye opener. I have heard a lot about film festivals and their cinematagraphic value from our professor mag. Boštjan Miha Jambrek. Short movies I saw were mostly very lacking in the story aspect, but they redemeed themselves in composition, well cut shots and gorgeous color grading. 
Seeing the actual movies was quite difficult, since we had to be at the avenue the movie was playing at ATLEAST one hour before it started, if you came 45 minutes or 30 minutes before the screening, the line for the avenue was already too long and you were removed by the employees. This happened a few times and resulted in us and our french friend Robin (who was our guest in Slovenia a few months back) running through the city to the other avenue, hoping it's not completely filled. Usual screening lasted about 90 minutes and was contained 4-8 short movies, but there were a few exceptions. I would recommend this festival to anyone that can appreciate good cinematography (emphasis on the "good"), but doesn't really care about storytelling.
Au revoir, Samo.

This is the film festival banner,
it is all over Clermont-Ferrand

sobota, 11. februar 2017

ERASMUS+ France, Clermont Ferrand DAY 14

Today was a very nice day, it was warm and sunny. Nadia decided to take us to the Puy-de-Dome which is 1.465m high. We took a train all the way to the top, the return ticket cost 10€, which is expensive for a 15 minute train ride. When we came to the top we were very suprised as there was snow and we haven't seen snow for the whole time while in Clermont Ferrand. Fun fact abour Puy-de-Dome, it's actually an inactive volcano which is pretty awesome. And the view from the top, was incredible - we saw the whole Clermont Ferrand from the top. It was very windy and cold so we couldn't stay there for a long time but we managed to see everything that there is. There's also a foundation of a Roman temple which they are going to rebuild in the future. After that Samo and Dragan went to the gym and me and Bor went to the store. When we came home we realised that Samo and Dragan have both keys to the house. We thought that we were going to be locked out for 2 hours but then I found an opened window so we climbed through.
The edge of the mountain

The mountain cantine and dining area.
The view from atop

petek, 10. februar 2017

ERASMUS+ France, Clermont Ferrand DAY 13

So it's our thirteenth day in France and we are still having fun and learning new things. Today we we're at L'Atelier again (Atelier means workshop, if anybody was wondering) and today I spent a lot of time at the ARTFX workshop as I'm very interested in what they are doing and how are they making it. I was talking to two students one of them was making a 3D character in a 3D sculpting program and he showed me all of the layers needed to create a game character. He also showed me all of the textures, that he created just for this character, there is a lot of work that goes into creating a 3D character for a game. He even let me try the program out and of course I was completly lost as I have never used this program before, but I can't wait to come back home to Slovenia so I can learn to use the program. The other student I was talking to was the same one from my first day at L'Atelier, he was drawing. a huge scary forest that looked like a level in a awesome game. He was using Photoshop and he was almost done as he has been working on it from day one. He was drawing on a Wacom graphic tablet with a special pen. He was so nice that he let me try and draw something on his masterpiece, but of course it wasn't nearly as good as his. When we finished we went to the cheapest kebab place, well it wasn't cheap at all as we payed 7€ for a kebab that was rubbish. I'm very excited for tomorrow as we are going to go on a mountain, and I think we all need to leave the city and get some fresh air.
Best regards,


ARTFX student drawing on
a Wacom tablet

četrtek, 9. februar 2017

ERASMUS+ France, Clermont-Ferrand day 12

So today we didn't have much planned, so I'm just going to present you the "unusual" or "different" things of Clermont-Ferrand. The first and probably the most noticable thing is the grafitti. They have a much different policy about grafitti here than in Slovenia. And I'm not talking about the vandalist type of grafitti (without any meaning or just random racial slurs), I'm talking about real art pieces running along typical french architecture. There is a really cute house not far from where we live and the whole house is painted in grafitty. Different styles, different artists, different meanings but all of it together merging in one huge art piece. I've made it as an objective for myself, to document all the grafitti of Clermont-Ferrand. And the reason behind all the grafitti is their mayor is really supportive of young people. He believes in kids being the future of the city so he wants to pay young people of Clermont kind of a monthly wage to help them live and buy food and pay for their schools so I think that is really really cool. We're also thinking of maybe doing an interview with Nadia because she's always telling us these interesting things about the city so i think it would make a really good interview.
The first thing you would notice, coming to Clermont from Slovenia is probably the traffic. I think because there are so many people living in Clermont, the police doesen't even bother with small felonies like crossing the red light, or making a wrong turn and such, so you see people running across streets between cars like it's normal. We also witnessed a car going the wrong way on the road and i was sure he was going to cause an accident but he didn't and nobody even cared about him.
And the last thing I'm going to talk about is the army. In Slovenia you maybe see one or two police officers in the city on a normal day, but here in Clermont you see soldiers with guns walking around the streets. When I first saw them i was super scared. I was hanging out with two local friends and I looked to my left and saw 9 soldiers with guns and I was seriously concerned and scared but the friends I was with were looking at me funny because it's just a normal thing here. A friend told me something along the lines of an assasination taking place or something like that but I'm not too sure about that and I'm going to ask more about that.
That's kind of it for this blog,
Best regards, Bor

Grafitti of Clermont

sreda, 8. februar 2017

ERASMUS+ France, Clermont Ferrand DAY 11


this is our 11th day in France and we are still learning new things about the people and the culture. You know that little stereotype, that the French are dirty? Well it's true, today on our way to get bread we found human feces laying in the middle of the street and this isn't even the first time. After we ate breakfast we went to The Atelier, today we spent a lot of time in the stop motion animation workshop. We met two students who were working on a short clip for a music video, one of them was from Clermont Ferrand and the other one was from Columbia. They were very nice and were happy to tell us everything we wanted to know. They were animating boiling oil and they even let us help them, it was very fun and interesting. They told us how to animate with clay, that you have to be careful how you position the lights and that it is important from which perspective you are shooting. It was fun to see the progress throughout the day. Samo and Dragan went home by bus but me and Bor decided to walk home as the streets of Clermont Ferrand are very interesting. There is a lot of grafitti and many interesting stores. It's always fun to explore new cities see new streets and experience the city in a different way.

Au revoir,

Miha, Bor, Dragan, Samo

Dragan helping with the stopmotion animation
Boiling oil animation
On the left is the student from Columbia
and on the right is the student from Clermont Ferrand.

torek, 7. februar 2017

ERASMUS+ France, Clermont Ferrand DAY 10

today we went to The Atelier where there were 4 workshops, stop motion animation, photography, film/cgi and sound design. We were all free to look around and meet new people. I personally liked the film/cgi workshop the most, as there was VR technology and people there were very nice, they came from a high school ARTFX, which lasts 5 years. I made a new friend one of the ARTFX students and he told me all about creating VR games, how you design models in maya and then import them into a VR compatible game designing software. Then he let me try their HTC Vive VR set and it was a life changing experience, I finally felt like it's the 21st century. One of the students was drawing artwork in Photoshop, for his resume and boy it was amazing, it looked like artwork for a new game. There was also some of their CGI work on display, they have worked on a lot of big projects, such as Pirates of the Caribbean. To be honest I would love to go to their high school. They also gave me a brochure of their school, which was nice of them. I really can't wait to go there again tomorrow.

Me playing HTC Vive VR
Samo feeling blessed

ARTFX high school brochure

nedelja, 5. februar 2017

ERASMUS+ France, Clermont Ferrand DAY 8 and 9

So this weekend was very lazy so we decided to combine both days into one blog. Yesterday we went to a film class so we could meet the students we'll be working with on the film project. After that we went to eat some French cuisine, we ate the classic kebab, only Dragan seemed to enjoy it. Then we went home and just hung out in our living room for the rest of the day, watching movies and playing cards. Today we woke up at about 10, ate breakfast and then me and Bor went out to take some photos. After that we went home and edited what we shot for about 2 hours. Then we had dinner, noodles as usual not very healthy but cheap and easy to make. Then Samo went out to meet some of his friends and they went to watch some short films at the festival , sadly we couldn't go beacuse we don't have the cards yet. We're slowly adapting to the people and the culture, we definetly appreciate people who speak atleast a little bit of English more than we did at the start. Tomorrow is going to be intense as we start at 9am and finnish at 4pm.

petek, 3. februar 2017

ERASMUS+ France, Clermont Ferrand DAY 7

Good evening people on Blogger, today was a very interesting day for us at Lafayette. We met three different classes and it was really interesting to see the English knowledge gap between each one. We had to present ourselves and our home country. The presentations went well, the first one was ok because it was our first and we were not warmed up and kind of lost. The second one was the best, we had the most fun. We showed Bor & Miha's youtube channels and the kids in the classroom had a good laugh and we had one as well. The last one was the worst one because we were tierd and saying something three times in the span of 3 hours is very exhausting. After that Miha, Bor and Samo went home with Nadia while I stayed and played pool at the Cantina. I made a new friend, his name is Michael. We played pool for 3 hours. He beat me 2-1. After that I took the bus home. Then we all slept and now we are going out with Robin and his copains :).


Moi! Danes se po vsej verjetnosti javljamo zadnjič, jutri se namreč odpravljamo nazaj proti domu. Dan smo začele kot po navadi, skupaj s profesorjem smo odšli v šolo. Dela tudi danes nismo imele veliko, čas pa je tekel še hitreje. Uspelo nam je posneti skupinsko fotografijo z našim razredom ter profesorjema. Kar naenkrat nam je profesor sporočil, da nas bo čez par minut pred glavnim vhodom čakal prevoz. Zagrabila nas je panika, imamo dovolj časa, da se poslovimo? S solzami v očeh smo se poslovile od naših finskih sošolcev, po licih so nam lile solze, tudi našim finskim prijateljem. Skupaj z nami so čakali na prevoz, nakar smo se s šoferjem zmenili, da nas zapelje v mesto, pridobili smo si še malo časa za druženje. Seveda sta tudi tisti »ubogi uri« čisto prehitro minili. Ob prihodu domov nas je na mizi pričakalo okusno kosilo, profesor najlepša Vam hvala! Bile smo kar pridne, stanovanje smo deloma pospravile že včeraj, malo prej pa smo pospravile še srednjo sobo, sedaj pa pričakujemo dve češki študenti, ki bosta prebivali v našem stanovanju. Samo še spat, jutri bo naporen dan. Slovenija, se vidimo jutri!  
Nadvse čustven dan. Že včeraj zvečer smo zaspale s solzami v očeh. Trije tedni so namreč minili,  še preden smo se uspele zavedati vpliva te izmenjave na naša življenja.  Preden smo za tri tedne zapustile svoje družine, smo si v glavi izmislile različne scenarije. Polarni mraz, meter ali dva snega, obupno mrzle noči, zelo naporni urniki, zamude avtobusov, grozna hrana ipd. Nikakor pa nobena od nas ni pričakovala tako nepozabne izkušnje. Danes smo s seboj v šolo vzele cel paket robčkov, ki jih mimogrede ni več. S sošolcema Allujem in Jeretom smo se po pouku odpravile na kavo. Čakali smo na avtobus, na tabli voznega reda je do prihoda našega avtobusa ostalo še nekaj kratkih minut. Ne želimo oditi. Tukajšnji ljudje so nam omogočili izredno osebnostno rast, vsaka izmed nas je uspela razširiti svoja obzorja, izkušnja je nepozabna. Trenutno še nismo zmožne opisati svoje občutke, čisto preveč si kar nekako obupano želimo ostati tukaj. Pišemo blog, po licih nam še kar polzijo »krokodilje« solzice. Pogrešale bomo tisto čisto sproščeno vzdušje v šoli, pa da ne boste mislili, da smo lenarili. Čeprav večino časa z nami ni bilo mentorja, saj je imel dodatno delo, smo stvari opravili. Pogrešale bomo večere preživete z ljudmi, ki poznajo samo »pozitivo«; pogrešale bomo mentorja, ki nas je fenomenalno usmerjal ter nam dal dodatno motivacijo za uresničitev svojih življenjskih ciljev. Predvsem bomo pogrešale miselnost tukajšnjih ljudi, ki ne gledajo na videz, poznajo le dobroto, so dobri poslušalci, čisto nesebični, to so ljudje, ki živijo drug za drugega. Ljudje, ki so navajeni trdega dela, medsebojnega spoštovanja in sodelovanja. Zato se zahvaljujemo projektu Erasmus+, Srednji medijski in grafični šoli Ljubljana, gospe ravnateljici Ani Šterbenc, profesorju Vladimirju Janežu, kakor tudi profesorju Pezdevšku ter Planincu, da sta poskrbela za varno pot na Finsko in nazaj domov, hvala, da ste nam omogočili to izkušnjo. Zahvala gre tudi našim družinam, ker ste nas spodbujali na naši poti ter trpeli z nami, ko je bilo še posebej težko. Hvala tudi Vam, da ste virtualno potovali z nami.

Kaj smo se poleg celotnega poteka snemanja in snemanja samega ter mnogo drugih stvari še naučile v teh treh tednih? Da so veliki ljudje tisti, ki vedo, da je duhovna moč močnejša od materialnega, saj svetu vladajo samo in zgolj misli.

Hvala tudi Vam finski sošolci! Hvala, da z nami pišete našo zgodbo. 
Guys, see you in a minute ❤

Neža, Ana in Julija