torek, 7. februar 2017

ERASMUS+ France, Clermont Ferrand DAY 10

today we went to The Atelier where there were 4 workshops, stop motion animation, photography, film/cgi and sound design. We were all free to look around and meet new people. I personally liked the film/cgi workshop the most, as there was VR technology and people there were very nice, they came from a high school ARTFX, which lasts 5 years. I made a new friend one of the ARTFX students and he told me all about creating VR games, how you design models in maya and then import them into a VR compatible game designing software. Then he let me try their HTC Vive VR set and it was a life changing experience, I finally felt like it's the 21st century. One of the students was drawing artwork in Photoshop, for his resume and boy it was amazing, it looked like artwork for a new game. There was also some of their CGI work on display, they have worked on a lot of big projects, such as Pirates of the Caribbean. To be honest I would love to go to their high school. They also gave me a brochure of their school, which was nice of them. I really can't wait to go there again tomorrow.

Me playing HTC Vive VR
Samo feeling blessed

ARTFX high school brochure

1 komentar:

vjanez pravi ...

autor objave je ?