nedelja, 20. november 2016

20., 21., in 22. poglavje, ZAKLJUČEK DOGODIVŠČIN

20. poglavje, SPROŠČEN PETEK

Ta petek je bil malo drugačen. Zgoden, zaspan, deževen. A nismo se odpravili v službo, saj smo z delom zaključili, ampak v pisarno paragona, saj smo imeli zaključni sestanek. Vsi smo dobili certifikat za opravljeno delovno prakso v tujini. Delavka nas je tudi pohvalila s strani delodajalcev, ter nam povedala, da so bili z nami res zelo zadovoljni.

Ta sestanek je bil zelo kratek, zato smo se kar hitro odpravili nazaj dmov. Okoli dveh popoldne je na ogled in pregled stanovanja prišel paragonov delavec, ki nam je potrdil, da je vse vredu. 

Luka in Erik sta bila na poti domov precej utrujena.

Imeli smo sproščeno popoldne, nato pa smo se dekleta še zadnjič odpravile v Valletto. Po kratkem sprehodu in še  zadnjem pregledu stojnic s spominki smo se kar žalostne odpravile domov. 

Imeli smo res sproščen dan, saj smo imeli za naslednji dan boljše načrte...


Zadni dan na Malti mo izkoristili predvsem jaz, Špela, Nika, profesor Miha in Erik (on seveda posebaj). Zgodaj smo se vsi štirje (Ana, NIka, Špela, MIha) odpravili proti vrhu Malte, do trajekta, ki nas je odpeljal na otok Gozo. Od tam nas je prijazen taxist odpeljal do Azurnega okna. Bila je res lepa naravna lepota, katere do zdaj še nismo videli. Tam smo preživeli kar nekaj časa, saj nam je bilo res lepo. Na žalost nam je pred nosom ušel avtobus, zato smo se odpravili v restavracijo na kosilo. Naslednji avtobus je namreč prišel šele čez eno uro. Odpravili smo se v glavno mesto Goza, Victorio. Na kratko smo si ogledali mesto ter katedralo, nato pa se spet odpravili na trajekt.

Doma smo si naredili kosilo, malo počili, nato pa smo se skupaj igrali družabne igre. Res smo se zabavali terpreživeli še zadnji večer skupaj. 

Vsi smo se zavedali, da je to res nekako konec dogodivščin. 


Azurno okno.


Danes smo malo poležali, nato pa se lotili pakiranja in čiščenja stanovanja. Moram priznati, da smo se do zadnjih 20ih minut kar vlekli po stanovanju, nato pa kar hitro vse pospravili. Ob 12.10 nas je pred stanovanjem počakal kombi, ki nas je odpeljal na letališče. Po uspešnem pregledu in oddaji prtljage smo počakali na vkrcavanje letala, ter odleteli v našo domovino. Po kar hitrem in strašljivem pristanku (zaradi megle ni nihče pričakoval pristanka, saj se ven ni videlo nič), smo se znašli v hladnem in meglenem Trevisu. Tu sta nas zapustila Erik in Luka, saj sta z Lukovo mamo odšla v Ljubljano. 
Zadnja slika izpred stanovanja.

Na letalu.
Čakale smo prtljago.
Mi smo skupaj počakali kombi ter se odpravili na pot. V Ljubljano smo prispeli okoli desete ure, med potjo pa smo v Cerknici odložili Špelo, na Lomu pa NIko. 

Tako se je naša skupna pot zaključila in zdaj smo že vsi veseli v objemu domačih. 

Zelo smo hvaležni za to izkušnjo, naslednji skupini pa želimo vso srečo!


KONEC ZGODBE.              

petek, 18. november 2016

19. poglavje. Zadnji delovni dan

Danes sem vstal prej saj sem hotel zadnji dan v miru pojesti in se prštimati za delo. Delovni čas je bil  danes krajši. Urediti sem moral še nekaj izdelkov iz prejšnih dni, nato sem se še malo pogovoril z delodajalcom in se poslovil. Domov kjer je že bil profesor Miha Golob, sem prišel prvi. Tako so se vrnili še ostali in popoldne smo preživeli v počivanju. Zvečer smo se odpravili v Valletto. Tam je že vse okrašeno, saj se bliža božič. Glavna ulica je bila zaprta, ker se je kasneje po njej pripeljal predsednik Malte, kar je bilo zanimivo za videti. Tako smo še nekaj pojedli in se vrnili domov. Ob gledaju filma smo zaspali.

četrtek, 17. november 2016

21st day in Tartu, Estonia

Day 21, Thursday, 17. November 2016.

We cannot believe tomorrow's our last day in Tartu. 

We started today earlier than we needed to be at school because we had to pack. We got up and made some tea, coffee and ate breakfast and the packing party started. Personally, I packed and re-packed about 3 times because the first time around I wasn't sure how to put everything in, the second time I forgot to pack 2 sweaters but in the end I managed. Nika had no trouble fitting all of her things in. However the packing did take quite some of our time and we nearly forgot to go to school today. 

But we did get dressed on time and left to go to school. When we arrived, we realized that our teacher for today is not in school this week and we didn't have to come. But than we stayed at school for a bit and than walked to the city (about 10 minutes). We visited some of the shops again, for the very last time and also went to the city center. They we're just putting the christmas lights on the town house and it was so beautiful and magical. We also saw the trees we saw a few days ago and later on found out that those trees are just up to make a little Christmas wonderland in the centre.

We had some spare time so we went to a local caffee shop and waited till 18:30 when we meet with our friends again. Than we went to the Art museum, the Tarteum because they had a free entrance. We spent some time there, and than walked over the bridge to get to the 'other side' of Tartu. There we waited for the bus and drove home.

Now we're currently checking our suitcases and backpacks if we have everything and if we maybe left something unpacked. We're both quite sad that our stay here in ending soon. But we had a great time and we still have a day to go, so no time for sadness quite yet!

20. day in Estonia, Tartu

DAY 20, Wednesday 16. November 2016

The final countdown to going home we could say. We're already at day 20, but we still had some work to finish at school.

Because we we're working alone, we went to school a bit later than usuall. We arrived around 11:00 and borrowed laptops and started working on our desigs (the bird project).

We had to make stickers, a mug design and a tote bag design with our illustartions of our birds. We started immideately. We first made a sticker design, saved it in all the fomats we had to and than contined doing the same with the totebag and mug design. When we finished we also had to make a presentation, with our name, email and all 3 designs and send it to our mentor so she can show it to the customers and they can choose their favourite.

We worked for quite some time, we finished at 15:30. When we send all the files we returned the laptops and meet with our friends Zoe and Karina on the 5th floor to play some games. Zoe had a really fun game on her phone, guess the spy. 3 of us got a role and a location, and one got an unknown location and their role was to be the spy. We didn't know who was who and we had to guess trought questions who's the spy/the spy had to guess the lcoation to win. That was really fun! We also played some Uno, but a reflex kind of Uno. The girls also made us some tea, brought pillows and snacks and it was really a great end of the day.

 We went home around 8 where we gathered all of our things because we will have to pack soon!

sreda, 16. november 2016

18. poglavje, VEČERNI DOGODEK (Ana)

Danes se je dan zame in za Špelo začel malo drugače. Ker sva obe delale v popoldanskih urah, sva malo poležale in se nato odpravile še po zadnje spominke za najine družine. Po res uspešnem šopingu sva se odpravili domov in si skuhali kosilo. Po kratkem počtku sem se morala lepo ˝uštimati˝ in se odpraviti na avtobus. 

Danes sem namreč fotografirala na odtvoritvi nove trgovine znamke Aldo v mosti. Z mano je odšla tudi Nika, saj so mi dovolili, da pripeljem prijateljico. Skupaj z sodelavko Eriko smo se odpravile v Mosto. Tam so se priprave bližale koncu in kmalu sem lahko začela z delom. Naredila sem res veliko fotografij izdelkov, ljudi, izložbe... po uri in pol dogajanja je prispela najpomembnejša oseba. Glavna ambasadorka znamke Aldo. Prosila sem jo za fotografijo, ona pa je z veseljem pozirala za objektiv. 

Izvedela sem tudi, da bodo moje slike tega večera objavljene v časopisu Malta Times, ki izhaja po vsej državi. Vsi so se mi izredno zahvalevali za pomoč, ter za vztrajnost, saj je otvoritev trajala čez polnoč. Domov me je odpeljal sodelavec Kevin, ki je maneger za oglaševanje. 

Ta večer je bila zelo velika vzpodbuda za nadalnje delo ter dokaz, da res znam kar se naučim. Vseh pohval sem zelo vesela in sem hvaležna, da spoštujejo moje delo, čeprav sem še dijakinja. 

Zaradi tega sem domov prišla šele okoli enih, in se počasi odpravljam spat. Zato se tudi opravičujem za pozen blog.

A vseen lahko noč in se slišimo jutri!

Najboljših 5 Maltežanov!!! :D

17. Poglavje, SNEMALNI DAN (Luka)

Za nas 5 Maltežanov se je začel zadnji teden preživljanja prostega časa in koristnega dela prakse. 
Danes v torek je predpred zadnji dan na keterega se odrpavljamo na delo. Zjutraj je močno deževalo a smo po sladkih sanjah morali ostati, pojesti ter oditti od doma. Kot ponavadi sem jaz spet odšel prvi. Kmalu se je moja zmeda z avtobusi ustavila, saj ko se po dveh tednih navadiš poti, ni več problem. Začel sem dobro razmišljati z glavo in ugotovil vmesne poti da sem prišel do lokacije dela brez problemov, a vseeno z malo umesn hoje, ki pa mi ne škodi.

V "službo" sem prišel ob 9h in sem bil med prvimi, celo prehitel sem mentorico. To se mi ni zdelo nič nenavadnega saj zaposleni ljudje na Malti niso nikoli točni, prav tako kot avtobusi. Končno je prišel moj srečni dan, na katerega sem bil najbolj neučakan. Za delo sem imel posneti bose ozvočenje ter postopno (unboxanje) njega iz zapakirane škatle.
Dela sem se lotil z enim izmed sodelavcev. Na dva kota sva pripravila dve kameri canon 5D, eno z navadnim objektivom kateri je zajemal celoten kader in je bila kamera prižgana ves čas in drugo z telephoto objektivom, 
s katerim sem moral posneti vse detajle, da bo končni izdelek bolj pester in zanimiv. Seveda sem moral v ozadju postaviti tudi osvetjitev, ketera pa mi ni povzročala težav, saj sem se osnove že naučil v šoli. 
Za konec sem pomagal tudi pri snemanju posameznih izdelkov in njihovo bližnje detajle, da si gledalci na koncu čim bolj predstavljajo produtk in lažje odločijo pri nakupu ter jih kratek posnetek prepriča.
Postavitev kamere na stativo
Po končanem delu sem se odpravil domov, med potjo kjer bi moral prestopiti avtobus sem srečal Erika, ki pa je svoje delo končal že zelo zgodaj in se sam odpravil pogledati ter raziskati bližnji grad. 
Tako sva se skupaj z avtobusom odpravila do doma nekaj kilometrov, a je vožnja vseeno trajala pou ure.

Doma sva si naredila večerjo (meknagce). Kmalu za nama pa sta prišli tudi Nika in Ana, najkasneje pa Špela.
Midva z Erikom sva kasneje poslušala muziko in si ogledala film, punce pa so odšle v mesto po nakupih za spominke, deževno vreme jih prav nič ni zmotilo. 
Jaz sem zaspal že zelo zgodaj, saj potrebujem dolg spanec in energijo za nov predzadnji delovni dan, na katerem se moram čim bolj potruduti in pokazati svoje znanje ter narediti dober vtis na druge. :)

Najboljših 5 Maltežanov!!

torek, 15. november 2016

19th day inTartu, Estonia

Day 19, Tuesday, 15. November 2016

Before we start today's blog we had something to say:
We're sending a big cold Tere(hello) over to our friends in Malta! We're glad to see you enjoying your sunny days and we are sending over a bit of a cold breeze, just to make things a bit cooler ;)
TERE to our friends in Malta!
Now back on track. It is already Tuesday, this last week the days are really just flying by, without a warning. We're already grumpy about having to pack soon and leave, but we knew this was coming.

We started today a bit easier, slower, since we were just finishing off the bird project. We got to school at 11:00. We first went to the Teacher's office (the main one) to borrow laptops and get our illustrations from one of the offices.

Than we went into one of the classrooms that was free today and booked for us to work in. Not really a classroom, because it's just a big room with big tables, which were great since we could put our laptops as well as our illustrations and work peacefully. For today, we had to scan our bird illustrations and make the stickers, coffee mug and tote bag. But since we arrived a bit later than we should the classroom that has the A3 scanner was taken (there was a class in it), so while we waited for that class to be over, we worked on the items with Siiri's birds (the girl that is also on this project). We made the stickers, mug and tote bag as we would if we had our birds, but we used hers instead. We saved all the items in editable formats because tomorrow we will just paste in our scanned illustrations and maybe edit some mistakes we might see. 

At 3 we saw that the teacher has left the classroom and only a few students were in the classroom, finishing their work. We went in and scanned our illustrations. Then we went back to the laptops, saved everything onto my USB key and called it a day.

We returned the laptops and walked to the city centre. We then took a bus and went to a mall to buy some things we forgot to get and also some things for us to take home and remember Estonia.

good night, Nika& Anastasija

written by: Anastasija Spirovska

ponedeljek, 14. november 2016

16. POGLAVJE (Špela)

Že 16.?? Pa nam res hitro minevajo dnevi na tej topli Malti...
No in ker je spet teden na okoli, sem spet jaz na vrsti da opišem svoj dan :)

Po tako napornem vikendu so naše budilke danes res slabo opravile svojo dolžnost. Zaspali smo. Pa smo vseeno v rekordnem času navlekli nase nekaj, spakirali računalnike in ujeli pravi avtobus. Na Maltežki promet smo se že do dobra navadili.

Bodi na avtobusni 20 minut prej, pa še vedno obstaja možnost da si ga že zamudil. Če v dobre pol ure še vedno ni nič, to vrjetno pomeni da čakaš že na naslednjega, kar lahko traja še dodatne pol ure.

No, na delo sem nekako prišla točno, pa mojega mentorja še vedno ni bilo tam (ja, tudi on se vozi z avtobusom). Ko je prišel, mi je dal nekaj slik, da jih uredim v Photoshopu, nato pa sem pregledovala animacijo za otroke, ki jo je naredil, in si pisala napake, da jih je nakoncu odpravil.

Po malici mi je bilo malo dolgčas, zato sta me dva zaposlena vprašala če jima pomagam pripraviti sceno za snemanje nekega techno komada. Sledilo je beljenje sten, zbijanje lesa, čečkanje, puljenje žebljev, vrtanje... in moram reči da je bilo rees zabavno, zato sem tudi ostala dlje :p Ko sem iz sebe nekako zdrgnila večji del barve za steno in les, sem se okrog 6ih odpravila proti domu.

Kot sem se že malo navadila, sem spet prišla domov zadnja. Dobra stran tega je, da je "kosilo" že skuhano. No in danes so me čakale palačinke :) Res sem se razveselila :D (niso makaroni!!) Večer smo utrujeni preživeli kar doma. :)

No in ker je v našem stanovanju postalo ža precej tiho, je čas da se tudi jaz počasi odpravim v posteljo.

Pozdrave v mrzlo Slovenijo (in Estonijo)!!

Najboljših 5 Maltežanov!!

18th day in Tartu, Estonia

Day 18, Monday, 14. November 2016.

Me and Nika can't believe we're already on the last week of this stay. Not even a week, only 5 days to go! 

We started this Monday aroung 9 and arrived at school at 10:30. We had to finish the bird project; the coloring part. We first got our project from our supervisor's office. Than we got some colored pencils and water colours and started to finish our work. We finished around 3 and when we're done, we left our works in the office and went home.

When we arrived home we made lunch and got some rest. At 18:00 we decided to go out again, to the city. We first went to a few shops and after that went to a coffe shop. On the way to the coffe shop we passed the town hall and basically the centre of Tartu. We also saw the big Christmas tree! We were so excited! It wasn't up yet, it was just layed out but it made us so happy, that we got to see a bit of their Christmas tradition. Hopefully we'll even get a chance to see the actuall tree go up!

Anastasija, Nika.

(due to really slow internet, we couldn't include pictures, we will be updating this post tomorrow)

written by: Anastasija Spirovska

nedelja, 13. november 2016

17th day in Tartu, Estonia

Day 17, Sunday, 13. November 2016.

The very last Sunday in Tartu for us; for now! We decided to spent to day somewhat productively; we decided to buy some gifts for our friends. Since our practice in Estonia is coming to an end, we realized we spent all the necessary money on food and what we have left is to be brought back home and/or be spent on gifts.

In the evening, we first went to the Kaubamaja Tartu mall. We bought some cosmetics we don't have in Slovenia, and than took the bus 7 and drove to the Lõnakeskus shopping centre. It's the one of the very edge of Tartu. We both spent quite some time in there, choosing things for ourselves and also for our friends. 

We first spent a lot of time in a clothing shop Cropp. We don't have that kind of store in Slovenia, and we really liked their clothes (and the prices). Next stop was Flying Tiger; a store that has everything you'd ever need in a cuter/funnier version. 

After we finished with gift shopping in Tiger, we saw a waffle bar on the opposide side of Tiger. The smell and also price invited us over, and we each got one Belgian waffle. They were really good!

After that, we went to the supermarket to get some juice and some sweets and head back home.

We had no snow today, just a bit of cold weather.

14. in 15. poglavje POTEPUŠKI VIKEND

No ja, kje sploh začeti. Zopet smo se odločili, da 14. in 15. blog združimo v enega.

Torej v soboto zjutraj smo si jaz, Špela in Ana nareidle palačinke, se uštimale in podale smo se na pot. Juhej! Obiskali smo akvarij! Našli smo Nemota in Dori :D Nato smo si privoščile sladoled in se odpravile v Sliemo.

V Sliemi smo se odpravile na nujno dozo shoppinga! Tam smo zapravile kar veliko časa in na koncu dneva smo bile precej utrujene. Ampak na utrujenost se sploh nismo ozrale. Šle smo še na pijačo s slovenci, ki sta jih Špela in Ana spoznale na fuzbal tekmi, ter na sprehod po plaži.

Danes smo dopoldne kar malo poležavali, a popoldan so se vsi odpravili nekam. Jas sem ostala doma zaradi slabega počutja. Ana in Špela sta odšle na plažo Golden Bay. Za Erika in Luka pa še vedno nisem prepičana kje sta pohajala.

Zdaj pa se pripravljamo na zadnje 4 delovne dni. Kam so šli sploh usije dnevi? Mi nebi šli radi domov v tisto deževje in mraz. Ampak seveda csega lepega more biti enkrat konec.

Najbolših 5 maltežanov :)

sobota, 12. november 2016

16th day in Tartu, Estonia

Day 16, Saturday, 12. November 2016

Saturday, also sleeping late day as we would call it. We got up at 10:00, did our morning routine and watched some TV (we found an English movie, lucky us!). At 14:00 we had plans to meet up with Zoe and Karina so we left 'home' at 13:30 and arrived to the centre, Kaubamaja where we first met up with Karina and after a few moments also Zoe. The plan for today was to go up to the Toome Hill to a museum. First we were not too sure about going up on a hill in cold weather, but we had nothing else to do, and we wanted to spend time with our friends so we went.

And when we arrived, we were happy that we went because the so called hill was really small. We walked about 5 minutes and first passed one bridge. The angel bridge. Zoe and Karina told us, that there's a legend. that that part of the city has 2 bridges; one devil bridge and one angel bridge. The story behind Angel's bridge was, that if you have a wish, you have to walk on the bridge, from one side to another, wishing your wish and holding your breath. Me and Nika of course wanted to wish for something, and we decided to do that at the end, before we leave.
Angel bridge

After the bridge we walked to the museum. We visited the University of Tartu Museum. Personally one of the most beautiful places in Tartu. We first bought a ticket for the museum, and went up to the 5th floor and than went down, exploring every room as we went down. And may I add on the way up we took a really cool, old school elevator;

We first went into a 'crazy professors' laboratory/room and spent quite some time there. It was so fun! First we all went into a dark cube, that had grass and some bugs painted in the inside, and it had mirrors inside. So cool!

We had to enter with a flashlight and gloves!

One of the many interesting things in crazy professor's room 

We than explored the room on. It had so many interesting things, like one of the first devices, used to present animations, and little fun things like that. On the oposside side of the professors room, we saw another big room, with many interesting historical thins, and it was also filled with little experiments like camera obscura,.. Also there were a lot of professors presented and their ols classroms! After that we procided to go down the museum into other floors and rooms and found so many interesting stuff.

we don't want school on Saturdays!

We had a very serious meeting

And one of them was the 'Deah Mask of Aleksandar Pushkin. There were 12 mask made and only 4 can still be see/ have been found. One of them was in the museum we visitede today. 

On the next floor we found the white hall. It was a big white hall, as the name tells us and the girls told us that when students, that study music recieve their diplomas there and one choose one plays on the piano. They recieve their diplomas from the Major. We took some interesting pictures in this hall.

After the hall we went downstairs and that was it. We did however spent a lot of time there because when we went into the museum it was still ligh outside, and we went back out it was dark.

After the tour, we went to the Angel bridge where me and Nika made our wishes. After the bridge we went to Gustav, a famous caffe/restaurant with cakes.

The weather was about -3C without snow.
Best wishes,
Anastasija and Nika.

written by: Anastasija Spirovska

15th day in Tartu, Estonia

Friday, day 15, 11. November 2016


Finally Friday! The program for today was to go to class at 10:30 and finish at 14:30 and we were both happy because it meant we had more free time in the evening.

We got up around 9, completed our morning routine  quickly in hopped on the bus that left at 9:55.

We arrived at school 20 minutes before class, so the first thing we did is sat down on the couches on the ground floor in the school. We connected our phones with wifi to check if anything's new and I started writing one of the blogs, we didn't post on time due to our internet in the hotel not working.

We went to class at 10:30 found an empty computer; here it doesn't matter where you sat the previous lesson, you just sit wherever you want really, and listened to the teacher. First he told the class to send in all of the exercises they've done. The girl next to me translated what he said to me, and he also told us we could send him our work.

When that was out of the way we started with todays lesson. Today's lesson was the last one in this lot of classes (the lot consisted of 3 lessons, we got lucky enought to catch and attend them all). We learned about text/page layout. First, he showed some examples how the text should look like and then gave us all a 'messed' up text that we had to fix and put in correct order. Since that text was in Estonian we did the exercise along side the teacher and all the other students, and when we finished it, we got another text, to which we had to add margins and correct it; place all the elements in the right place. We started working on it, and when we were nearly finished the teacher went around to check the work, and for me he said I just had to fix some minor things! 

While working, we saw a dog in the clasroom next to ours!

At 12.15 we had a lunch break till 13:00. We meet with our friends, Zoe and Karina and went down to the student 'lunch' room; our lovely friends made us some tea and coffe and we chatter for a bit. 

At 13:00 we went back to class and worked on how big should capitals be in text. The teacher explained a method, on how to know and choose the right size and showed us some examples again. This class went by quickly and at the end we said goodbye to this teacher, because he will be away next week. He was a great teacher, he really made an effort to teach us something and we were very honored to be able to learn from him.

After that I borowed a computer from the school and wrote and posted the blogs from the previous days. That took us a good hour and when I finished, I returned the computer and we went home.

Later on in the evening we went to the city to look around and get some coffe.

written by: Anastasija Spirovska

12. poglavje - Maltažan v Smart Cityu

Danes sem za razliko od drugih dni vstal prej da sem v miru pozajtrkoval in se pripravil za delo. V podjetju sem obdeloval platnice za knjige v adobe illustratorju in obrezovanje elementov v photoshopu za pripravo za tisk, Po končanem delu sem se odpravil v Smart City. Del mesta ki je ograjen in v katerem je vse urejeno, mobilno. Mesto je za enkrat še majhno vendar vse okoli gradijo in ga povečujejo. Tam se tudi nahaja global college Malta in Malta Gaming Authority. Sredi majhnega ''mesteca'' se nahaja majhno jezero v katerem je vodomet. Okoli jezera je speljena urejena pot z klopcami in obdana z lučmi na sončne celice. Pot obdajajo tudi zvočniki na katerih se vrti glasba sredi dneva. Tako sem izlet zaključil s sprehodm na plažo in se nato čez mesto odpravil domov. Po večerji pa sva se z Lukatom odpravila v Valletto na sprehod. Utrujena od dela in celega dneva sva doma padla v posteljo. 

petek, 11. november 2016

13. poglavje, SLOVENIJA JE ZMAGALA!!!!

Ojjj! (Ana in Špela)
No pa bom najprej začela s pojasnilom, zakaj včeraj ni bilo bloga. No, tisi, ki je bil zadolžen za blog(Erik) se je odpravil ven, pozno prišel domov in bil prelen, da bi napisal blog. Kaj več tu ni dodati. Upam da bo kmalu vas obvestil z njegovim potekom dneva.

No pa začnimo spet pri meni(Ana). Zjutraj smo vstali in bla bla bla. Koga to sploh še zanima. Kot vsak dan smo odšli v službo. Kako presenetljivo! :)

Danes nisem imela prav veliko dela, saj sem večino opravila že v preteklih dneh. Na slike, ki sem jih že uredila, sem morala dodati še cene izdelkov, saj bodo slike objavljene na njihovem facebooku, saj bodo uporabljene za promocijo socialnih omrežij. Nato so vsi razen mene, mentorice Nicole in še enega praktikanta iz Italije, odšli domov. Ker je v pisarni postala res čista tišina smo med delom skupaj malo poklepetali. Ko sva mentorici pokazala najino delo, sva obla lahko odšla domov. In to kar že ob 14.30! Kar eno uro in pol prej. :) 

Doma me je že čakala Špela s kosilom, saj je delala od doma. Kar hitro sva pojedli, se napravili in odšle na avtobus. V Valletti sva čakale avtobus številko 56 vsaj eno uro, nato pa izvedele, da je šofer na prejšnjem avtobusu ponesreči zamenjal številko na 54 namesto na 56. A po njihovih reakcijah, se je to zdela res vsakdanja nezgoda. Končno smo našli nov avtobus in že smo bile na poti proti Mdini. Ampak le kam sva se odpravile? 

Na avtobusni postaji v Qaliju smo izstopile iz avtobusa, in se s številnimi navijači odpravile na nacionalni nogometni stadion na Malti.

Ogledale smo si tekmo kvalifikacij za svetovno prvenstvo leta 2018 v Rusiji. Slovenija vs. Malta. Seveda smo zmagali. Vzdušnje na tekmi je bilo res neopisno, in čeprav nisva prav ljubitelici nogometa, sva zelo uživali.

Po napornem dnevu sva okoli 00.30 prispeli domov, zdaj piševa tale blog in zraven malo dremava. Hehe :).

Za danes bo to vse,

Najboljših 5 Maltežanov! :)

14th day in Tartu, Estonia

Day 14, Thursday, 10. November 2016

I apologize for the lack of blogs these past two days. The WiFi in our hotel is down and we had no other source of internet near us, so I am writing this blog today, whilst in school (on a school computer, with the WiFi which works perfectly!).
Like last week, we started with classes at 13:00 on Thursday. That meant sleeping in. But we are used to getting up early so we got up around 9:00 and slowly got ready.

We arrived at school just a few minutes before class, and took the 2 free computers (one in the front and on in the back) which meant we did not sit together. We had digital typography again, and we worked on kerning and leading. Both topic we already knew something about, but we still followed the group and listened to the teachers explanations in Estonian (he of course translated the important things to us). First he explained kerning and we played and online game; we got 10 words and we had to move them/kern the words and the student with the highest score would get a chocolate. My score was 95, Nikas 92

After that we got an assignment to write a sentence with 2-3 words in all caps and in small letters, with 3 different fonts and than to add kerning and leading to them. The second one was to make a list of words and geologos and to play around with a word or two and make the word more interesting.

Yesterdays class was over and hour earlier because the teachers had a conference. We went home and watched a movie Nika had on her computer and some television because the WiFi had stopped working as mentioned. And I should add that we watched a news channel, because it was the only one in English and the program repeted the same news 3 times. So that was fun.

We had no snow falling for the sky, but the streets are still full of it.

written by Anastasija Spirovska

13th day in Tartu, Estonia

Day 13, Wednesday, 9. November 2016

I apologize for the lack of blogs these past two days. The WiFi in our hotel is down and we had no other source of internet near us, so I am writing this blog today, whilst in school (on a school computer, with the WiFi which works perfectly!).

On Wednesday we had no classes, but we were supposed to be introduced to a new project we had to start working on. Since the meeting was at 10:00 we could sleep a little longer. We started the day like the other, with getting ready and leaving a bit late for the bus, but we did not miss it so it was okay!

When we got to school, we had the meeting on the 4th floor, where the teacher's commerce room is. Our supervisor for the project Janika Nõmmela Semjonov came to us when she saw we had arrived and asked us if we were the Slovenian students. We said yes, introduced ourselves and sat down. We didn't start quite immediately, since we were waiting for our mentor Siiri. She didn't know much about the project aswell, she would just work on it like us and guide us, because she has a little more experience. Siiri used to be an exchange student from Finland aswell,  but since this year she transferred schools.  So we waited for her for a bit, and when she came our supervisor explained the project. 

This school works with many companies and associations and this time got a great apportunity to work with one. The Tartu Ornithology association has asked the school if they could gather a few students to illustrate (draw out) their bird of the year, because they want to put our designs on stickers, tote bags and posters I think. We both know that this is a really great apportonity for us, and we are already working hard on it. So to sum it up, me, Nika and Siiri all have to draw out different designs of birds, we choose what pictures we want, color them and next week we will show it to the head of the Ornithology association. She will choose her favourite and that persons illustrated bird will be printed on the products mentioned before.

As soon as we heard about the project, we each took a laptop, the school provided us with paper and pens, colours and neccesary things like that and we strarted working. We each choose and image we will draw out and first sketched it on an A4 paper, and than transfered it onto a larger, A3 format. 
working hard
Nikas work so far

Progress was made but working on this project was difficult. We still arent finished, personally I have to start coloring in the bird, and Nika has to finish because she has started the colouring part already. We will continue working on this project on Monday.

Also our mentor, Siiri is great, she answered our question when and if we had any and we also made friends with her so that was great!
Again, I apolohize because this post is going up late, it was because of the WiFi.

written by:
Anastasija Spirovska

sreda, 9. november 2016

11. poglavje, GREMOE PO SVOJE


Danes se je dan začel tako kot ostali, zato nebom spet pisala istega :). Zjutraj je bilo vremo kar muhasto, a po 15 minutnem dežju je hitro posijalo sonce. Moja mentorica Nicola mi je razložila, da tako nekako izgleda Maltežanska zima.

Danes sem obdelovala slike izdelkov božičnega izbora znamke M&S, saj potrebujejo za spletno promocijo fotografije. V ponedeljek sem se zato odpravila v tako imenovan Marks&Spencer Cafe, kjer sem poslikala 90 izdelkov božične izbire. Te fotografije sem nato popravila (odstranila lesk luči, zmečkanost embalaže, barvne korekcije...), ter jim dodala ozadje po njihovih vodilih.

To mi je vzelo že kar dva dni neprestanega dela. Obdelala sem vseh 90 fotografij, ozadje pa sem zaenkrat uspela dodati 55 slikam. Ker so v podjetju zadovoljni z mojim delom, me veliko hvalijo. To mi da dodaten zagon za delo, daje pa mi tudi nekako potrditev da je moje znanje na pravi poti.

Tako nekako izgleda končni izdelek.
Z delom končam ob 4h popoldne. Ko sem prišla domov, me je že čakalo toplo kosilo, ki smo ga jaz, Špela in Nika skupaj pojedle.

Po krajšem počitku smo se odločile, da odidemo na večerni sprehod po mestu St. Julian. To mesto je znano po nočnem življenju, ki pa med tednom ni bilo preveč izrazito, se pa precej razlikuje od naše okolice, kjer stanujemo. Mesto mi je bilo zelo všeč saj me že bolj spominja na Slovenske kraje. Valletta in ostala mesta so sicer precej enolična in vse stavbe so enake barve, bež.

Domov smo se vrnile okoli enajstih, zdaj pa se odpravljamo spat tako me, kot pa tudi fanta.

Za danes bo to vse in se slišimo jutri! :)

Najboljših 5 Maltežanov! :D

torek, 8. november 2016

10. Poglavje, Produktiven dan

10. Poglavje - PRODUKTIVEN DAN (Luka)

Po napornem delovnem ponedeljku je sledil torek. Zjutri smo vsi vsatali in nekaj pojedli, nato pa je vsak po svoje odšel na delo. Seveda kot vedno sem se jaz prvi odpravil na delo. Ko sem prišel v Valetto da bi prestopil na drugi avtobus, ga ni bilo zato se je moje čakanje zavleklo v 1 uro, dokler ni prišel naslednji. Tako sem na srečo po kratki vožnji, saj ni bilo pretirane gužve prispel na delo nekaj čez 9h.

Nadeljeval sem z montiratanjem videa poroke, ki sem ga že začel prejšni teden. 
No da povem na kratko: menotorica mi je priložila potrebno gradivo, ki pa sta bila dva posentka dolga 1 uro in oba posneta z dveh različnih kotov. Prvo sem začel z obrezevajnem videjov tako da se ni videlo tresljajev. 
To mi je vzelo kar nekaj časa, a sem na koncu kmalu dobil celoten film v katerem se dva posnetko idealno prekrivata s sinhroniziranim zvokom. Kmalu je sledilo tudi najzabavnejšo delo: izbiranje muzike, ki najbolj ustreza poročni temi, izbral sem inštrumintal piana, ki je še bolj popestril to poroko in čustva.

Po končanem izdelku sem video vsem pokazal, bil jim je všeč zato sem dobil nekakšno novo motivacijo za delo za prihodnjost, predvsem pa v naslednih dneh moje prakse.:)

Moral sem oditi malo prej iz dela zato sem moral kupiti novo tedensko karto za avtobus, saj mi je prejšna potekla.
Kmalu sem prišel domov, kjer smo spekli pice. Ko smo se usi dobro najedli, saj smo bili kar lačni po celem dnevu, sva z Erikom odšla v glavno mesto Valetta in tam raziskovala ter se slikala prečudovit razgled Slieme. Ker je bilo že pozno, saj se morava prištimati za naslednji sva odšla proti domu...

Razgled v daljavo Slieme
Lep pozdrav in nočko vsem :)


12th day in Estonia

Visiting Tallin

Tuestday, day 12, 8. November 2016

This morning was by far the earliest one for me and Nika. We had to get up at 6:00 in the morning, and be ready till 7:00 because our friend's Zoe came to pick us up to drive us to the bus stop so we wouldn't miss the bus. We arrived on time, said hi to Zoe's friend that also went with us and it was time for the bus to take off. We had WiFi on the bus so the ride went by quickly, but in total we drove for 2h and a half.

When we arrived and got off the bus weren't too happy because it was quite cold and it had snowed but we were excited to explore the city and decided that some snow and wind won't stop us.
As I mentioned, Zoe's friend has been to Tallin a couple of times so she was the tour guide for the day and showed us around, took us to different places and even explained some interesting details. We first made a stop in a shopping mall, and on the was there we crossed a beautiful park.

After the short break at the mall, we decided to walk to the old part of the town, that was about 15minutes away. On the was there we passed Tallin's biggest Opera/Theatre house. The old town is truly so beautiful, and on the streets of the old part we spotted some waiters/people working for different restaurants, dresses like the people in the medieval ages inviting quests and tourist into their restaurant. 

While exploring the old part of Tallin we also passed a few churches, one was especially beautiful. For another one, our friend told us that there was a man that lived in the city and he drank a lot and smoked a lot and everybody when he was bad. Just before dying this man decided, that he wants his body to be placed on the ground in the front of the church, so people will walk on him, beause he was aware of his bad behaviour.

We really spent quite some time in the older part of the town, we visited a few local art shops and also found the viewing point from which we could see almost all of Tallin. Unfortunatelly tho, because there was snow all day and a bit of fog, we couldn't see the sea side from the viewing point, but at least we have a reason to come back!

On the way back from the top (viewing point) we passed smaller old fountain and the legend behind it is that back in time, people that lived in the city used the watter from that fountain for everyday uses and one day they thought/ realized that there was supposely a monster in the fountain and they started throwing cats in it, so the monster will give them good water to use again. We thought that was so weird and interesting and funny! Also the foutain is locked now, so all the cats are free to roam the streets of Tallin carelessly!

After we finished with the trip, we head back to the shopping mall to grab a hot drink, and than after some time also head back to the Tallin bus station, got on the bus and drove back home.

p.s.: we will be updating the post with more, better pictures tomorrow! Our wifi in the hotel is quite low and slow, so we're sorry! But we did make sure to at least uplaod the post and a couple of pictures.