petek, 27. januar 2017

ERASMUS France, Clermont Ferrand

Dear friends!

My name is Bor Zagoričnik and I'm one of the four exchange students from Srednja medijska in grafična šola Ljubljana, going to France (Clermont-Ferrand). I've always loved making films and being creative and I strive for success, so when I heard about the Erasmus student exchange program I knew that I had to go. We have to be somewhere in Ljubljana in about 10 hours at the time of me writing this and of course I am the greatest procrastinator you've heard of, so normally I'm still doing nothing useful.  The school we will be attending is called Lafayette High school in Clermont-Ferrand and we already met some students who flew here with the Erasmus program and they seem pretty cool so I believe this is going to be fun.
I've been making films for 6 years now and with the help of my friend Miha, we will try to make cool looking videos for you to see what living and exploring France for 3 weeks looks like.
Allright, I think now is probably the time I should start to do something productive, so I'm going to stop writing now.

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